Hi, I've got an unpublished crime short story that I'd love to submit. It's around 2K words long and has a great twist at the end. Can I be considered? I've published 20 books in the last ten years. Here's the first few lines... KILLER HEELS ByCaroline Mitchell Tottering up the broken paving stones, Lily tutted under her breath. She hated Sunnyfield Estate, where dog turds and used needles littered the streets. It was hard to believe that her father grew up in this downtrodden place. Still, Nana would be pleased to see her, and she was dying to try on her new killer heels. Not that her grandmother knew anything about designer shoes. Following Lily’s writing career had become her primary focus in life. Standing on her doorstep, Lily pressed the stiff buzzer until Nana’s shadow appeared through the dimpled glass. She swept a stray blonde curl from her face, flitting in and out of her dream world as cars rumbled by. The film deals and book signings could not come quick enough.